CS3, Photoshop
Here a few examples how BioNärd edits her pics!
Well first of all. NEVER PUT SO MUCH CRAP ON THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. Its okay if the picture itself sucks but spare the shading, colouring and all the other crap. THis is a good example how NOT to do it if you are working with photoshop, it really makes your editing only harder and no one wants to spend days on one panel.
Oh gott ich liebe Vorher/ Nachher Shows!
The advantage of photoshop is that you can add easily backgrounds and nice light effects only by using the brush and blur tool. On this pic BioNärd deleted the whole background and selected it afterwards to create a new background. BioNärd started with quite simpel things, the bench, the wall, and the computer stuff in the middle, using for every element a colour, like red, green and blue to make clear what is what. Then she detailed it, just what came to her mind and then shading. In the end just reduce it to black and white and its done.
Don't always stick to the original! Change what has to be changed.
3 Steps System!
Step 1: Original (clear lines and no useless crap like in the original at the top)
( auf gut Deutsch kein Gedöns wie oben)
Step 2: Preparing for the editing (see at the bottom)
Step 3: Shading, Background & Details (will follow soon)
Example for Step 2:
Kommentar von Bionärd (in english)
"Its always a 3- step process when I am editing a page. First I draw it, I try to do only the necessary lines and redraw them a lil darker cause my scanner always makes it too light. The clearer my page is and the contrast is high enough the easier the editing will be.
Step2 : I go to photoshop and fill all the lines with normal black just like I did here.
I only had to do the helicopter in a different way. I selected it and the background and increased contrast and darkness a little just so that it is as dark as the other lines. I didnt want to use the filling tool on the heli cause it would have looked crappy. Then I used the bluring tool (that funny finger you can smear lines with) to make it look a little smoother."
To see the result go to the Comics gallery and check metal gear solid comic act 1!